• Question: how many satellites how you help make

    Asked by 486speq48 to Stephen on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Stephen O'Connor

      Stephen O'Connor answered on 6 Mar 2019: last edited 6 Mar 2019 1:07 pm

      I was involved in the testing of a satellite that recently launched called BepiColombo – it is currently on a 7 year journey to the planet Mercury (the closest planet to the sun) to investigate the surface, interior and magnetic field of the planet!
      I helped to test some white paints in the lab here where I work. They are put on the outer surfaces of the satellite to protect it from solar radiation. The white paints reflect sunlight and keep the satellite at a stable temperature so that it will work properly. If the satellite gets too hot, the satellite materials can change shape or stop working and then we would not be able do reliable science with it. It is very important that we test parts of the satellite before we launch it because once it is in space, it is very difficult to fix it.
      Here is more information about the amazing satellite BepiColombo: http://sci.esa.int/bepicolombo/
